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Singing in the Morning

It's wet again, third day this month, we are heading for a record. Best news of all is, wait for it... I heard my shoulder crack through the night and low and behold, no more sore wrist. I am flying high today. Now if I can just sort out the light head (which is playing up again) there will be no stopping me.

Just to bring anyone reading this post, copied from my Facebook page, up to date. On Monday I brought in four loads of wood only to have my wrist get very sore later that night. It continued to be painful on Tuesday and by Wednesday it was so sore I could not drive. Fortunately a driver was available to take me to the doctor and for Xrays. As is always the case, when you are down or you get into a tight spot, the devil starts to lay the boot in. Which he did, with a vengeance on Thursday, laughing and saying “Look at all the people you have helped over the years and now that you need someone there is no one there”

In tears, I rang my mum, yes even at my age I still need to cry on my mother’s shoulder from time to time. We talked of all the varieties of pain and how much it hurts. She lived up to expectations though and reminded that I needed to pray for God to supply what I needed, not what I wanted, which was someone to look after me. So I prayed as I struggled to do the basics, one handed. On Friday, my husband drove me to town for urgent supplies but I was acutely aware that he was taking time out which he could not afford. I kept praying for what I needed, not really knowing what that was.

This brings me to Saturday morning and my opening post, waking up to two answers to prayer, no pain and more rain.

Psalm 63:3 “Because thy loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.” This does seem to be an appropriate response for what He has done. Praise Him!

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