Making Adjustments

Each time we move we have to make adjustments, even if it just a muscle. As a child our family moved a lot, fifteen times in fifteen years. So, life was about adjusting all the time.
In 2017 I had to adjust to staying at home properly so I started some projects to keep me busy but in the process my house got pretty disorganized. I had a photo album project on the dining room table, which moved to the buffet when the family came to dinner, sadly it stayed there unvisited for months. The sewing machine was set up on the small family room dinner table because it was now working after years of being broken and I had time to patch my husband’s shirts. Books for sale took up space in the spare bedroom, along with my cards and bookmarks. Just to add to the chaos my knitting and reading projects, there was always more than one going at once, could be found beside my bed and every lounge chair in the house. My laptop just migrated to and from various spots all year.
Just before the new year, an upgrade of our internet came with a desire to place it in one place so it could be used by all the devices that needed it.
What we discovered however was, that most likely because there is lead paint on our walls the signal was hampered. While the kitchen windowsill allowed for the best incoming signal, the outgoing signal would not reach the current office or my bedroom. Some research discovered that the spare bedroom turned out to be the best spot other than the living areas to receive a signal.

Oh, dear navigating that room was hard enough but being able to work in there was going to be more than a challenge. Mess and creativity might go together but working and mess don’t, not for me anyway.
So, some work and rearrangements were needed. As I moved stuff around and cleaned the entire house, I thought about how in the past I would often rearrange my furniture simply because I felt like it. I didn’t understand at the time that my family’s genes are wired to not like too much disruption. Each time I moved things I made them feel unsettled. What I didn’t understand about myself until I asked God to show me was that I moved stuff around a lot because we had to move numerous times as children. Once I understood that I managed to stop doing it so often. However, life moves on, so do our needs and as our needs change there has to be an adjustment made. It may be in our outlook on life, our job, furniture, house or living location.
I now have a new year in front of me with clean house and space in the spare room where I can work at all the projects without invading the rest of the house.
One thing that is certain, that in midst of whatever changes are going to happen, and they will for all of us, Jesus will be there with us and He doesn’t change.
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8.
So, as you move into a new year, go on, make those adjustments and see what good comes out of it.