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I woke one winter’s morning just as the dawn was breaking. Looking out my bedroom window towards the mountains, I could see a clear, cloudless sky, which promised a warm day.

As I watched the sky brighten I noticed a patchy fog roll in over the valley. I thought about those people living in those parts of the valley and how their perspective of the day would be so different. They were waking up to a morning surrounded by gloomy mist that would hinder their vision on where they were going. Would they be able to see 10 feet, 20 feet in front of them? That would depend of how thick the fog was at their place.

This got me thinking about the times in our lives when we are unable to see clearly where our lives are going. We have to move forward but we have not clear idea of where we are meant to go and we can only move slowly, holding the hand of Christ for security.

Yet, like me that morning, being able can see right over the fog, and how bright the day would be, God can see exactly what He wants for our lives and how bright they are going to be once the fog burns off. If we hold onto His hand and let Him lead us through the fog, He will lead us out into the bright day and sometimes He will even lead us to the mountain tops where we can see over the valley and over the fogs of life.

He tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Even if we cannot see clearly, God can.

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