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Time has a very different dimension for me now. Since losing my mum as a result of an accident, I am far more aware of the need to get things done and just how necessary it is for me to not let time hang heavy. If I do, then I know that I am going to slip down into that dark pit that many of us dread, the pit of depression.

I am reminded of the verses in scripture that tells us: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven; A time to be born, and a time to die; …….. A time to break down and a time to build up; A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance; (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4) All of these selected things seem to me to be very relevant to the process of grief.


There just doesn’t seem to be enough time to do this particularly in our current society’s climate. We are under pressure all the time to pull ourselves up by our boot straps and get back into the swim of life. Life is so busy for many of us that there simply isn’t enough time to take time out and really connect with those around us. Is it any wonder that when people bow to this pressure and sometimes they don’t have a choice financially, that they start to sink into that dark pit?

I was headed in that downwards direction. Since making the commitment to write a story every day, using the Photo-a-day prompts, I have felt so much better. I now have an external motivational tool to help me move forward. My mother lives outside of time now but I must still live within it confides – I pray that I will use it wisely.

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