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Gone Fishing

I was listening to a discussion on fishing. It revolved around the issues of when, where and how to pick the best place to go fishing. There was also a comment made that if all these things were not at their optimal best then it was a waste of time to fish. I felt my heckles rising. I’m no fisherman/person (for those that want me to be politically correct) but I know from what others have to say it seems that landing fish is not the only benefit of going fishing. If for instance you go fishing in what is considered the wrong place then maybe you will be surprised with an unexpected catch. If you go at the wrong time you could still be flabbergasted by that elusive fish latching on to the hook. If you don’t catch a thing, other than a cold, you have had the opportunity to relax, spend time with God, admire His handiwork and take time out to worship Him. Yes right there on the river bank you can worship Him.

The illustration was used in relation to being fishers of men. That in order to catch men we must look for them in all the right places, making sure that all the conditions are right or we are wasting our time. There is so much noise about wasting time but the truth is that nothing is a waste of time. Yet even as we acknowledge that God is in control we still have this problem of wanting to take over to “do” rather than let God.

My first thoughts were of the disciples who were fishing all night in Luke 5; was it a waste of time for them to fish all night and catch nothing? No! Through that experience they were able to see the Glory of God and Jesus used that to bring to a point where they would be willing to follow Him.

Even when we think we are wasting time God is still working in us. Hasn’t He proved that to me over and over again this year!

I also recall a conversation with a work colleague who commented that maybe the younger generation had a better handle on life. They seemed better able to let go of the things that are not done in the perceived time allotted to them. They relax in the knowledge that at some point they will get things done or if not it may not matter. The point was, that our generation seems to be bent on wringing everything that they have out of life by working, playing and stressing about what should be done and paying for it with their health.

This also seems to be catching on in church circles are well. We must work, be in the right places at the right time, and practice all the right things before we talk about God. My mother used to tell us children that we needed to worry about what we needed to do before we worry about what other members of the family should be doing. This also seems to me to be very good advice to all people. If we are doing what God wants us to do we don’t need to worry about what others are doing or what God is or isn’t doing.

The truth is God doesn’t need us to expand His kingdom. He doesn’t need us to be here at all. He wants to involve us, He wants us to be available for Him to work through, but we must not get ahead of ourselves, EVER. We must always only be available, knowing that while we depend on Him to help us grow in the fruits of the Spirit, as listed in Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Then He will work the most amazing miracles we will ever see. They may not be what we expect but they will be there to see if we only look.

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