Super Results
We are sowing our paddocks on faith today. We have had about three inches of rain. The ground is not soaking wet but it is damp enough to get things started. We are moving into Summer and we are going to need feed for our stock. My husband went out and purchased “Super” and “Super Dan” seed and planting is underway.
Super is the fertilizer that will help the seeds to get a good start in life. Super Dan is the name of the grass that will, if all things go well, give us enough feed for our stock or make hay. It would be easy to think that with all this super stuff that we will end up with a super amount of feed. However it will be the ordinary things such as sunshine and rain that will ensure a bumper crop.
So it is with us. It doesn’t matter what sort of start you have in life. You may be born with the best privileges and advantages the society can offer but you won’t necessarily make a success of your life. It will be the ordinary things such as love, care, understanding and good choices that will enable most children to make a grander contribution to our society.
Once you have made the most of the resources around you, you can only step out in faith and move forward one step at a time. The results then will be up to God and He will work even if we don’t get the results that we would like. We have no guarantees that this crop is going to be successful, but we have carried on in what we consider to be a sensible manner. If it fails we still trust God to look after us in the future.