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The Landscape changes all the time. In a drought it looks brown and dry, in the morning it can be foggy or in winter it can be covered in thick frost. In the evening, bathed in the setting sunlight it has a different glow. Of course after rain it looks green and fresh that is wonderful to see.


It reminds me about our own lives. They change all the time. From being young children, with their fresh innocent approach to life, growing up, bit by bit changing at different rates depending on their age and the external influences that they encounter. Even as adults our lives change all the time. When we are healthy we have a different influence on those around us. If we are going through a period of illness we will often need people to help us rather than help them. During our old age we will be able to encourage people in very different ways to what we might do while we are young.

In 1 Corinthians 13:11 Paul talks about what happens as we change, both physically and spiritually: “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”


Each morning I wake and see the same landscape each morning and sometimes it takes me a while to realise that it has changed over a number of weeks, particularly when it is drying out. That is because I fall into the trap of taking my view for granted.

So today I need to remember to never take my view for granted but also that I should not take the changes and the people in my life for granted but try to see beauty in everything.

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