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In a Row - Follow the Leader

The first thought here was how animals follow leaders naturally and we how we should follow our leader, Jesus Christ. “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” Isaiah 40:11

Maybe it’s as a result of our large open spaces in Australia but I am often discouraged by the number of human leaders who think that the only way to get people to do things is to drive them. Here in Australia we round up our stock from the rear, pushing them forwards into a new paddock or yards, onto trucks or into sheds. It has always been done this way from our very early days of settlement.

When things are tough and we have to hand feed sheep, it fastest way to get an animal to go anywhere is to put feed out. They will come running even to the point of exhaustion. I have no idea of how it is done in eastern countries today but when Jesus walked on this earth it was a matter of leading sheep.

So if you are a leader and you want people to go somewhere different, here is a small piece of advice (and I don’t give it very often) – Lead! Lead by example, lead from the front. It doesn’t matter if you are a leader of a small church, an organisation, a town, a state or the country. Show the people that you love them so much that you will be willing to give up your life for them. Jesus said in John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” Follow the best leader and be a great leader yourself.

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