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The Three Australian Colours

Today we celebrate Australia Day. I started to think about the colours in our flag. Those colours were selected many years ago and I asked myself why? The obvious reason is of course that they were the colours of the British flag where our constitution originated from but I wonder if we look at those colours in a new light, we might be able to get a new appreciation of our country.


Red: Yes there is Danger in our country. Our climate means that we have to constantly cope with floods, fire and drought. The native wildlife creates danger as we live with snakes, crocodiles and spiders. The passion that I see for our country is immense, no matter how many times we get knocked down, the people of this country, get up, dust themselves off and move forward. This country was built on daring. The aboriginals dared to survive, adapt and live not only before the outsiders arrived but after as well. Our early explorer’s dared to climb mountains, walk in deserts and cross rivers to expand our living space.


White: It is the freshness of our young people and those who decide to join us in this country that will see it continue to move forward in a world that is struggling to cope with the issues of greed and power. Working together as equals will ensure that the hope and dreams of each person are realised and the goodness of our hearts will be shared with the rest of the world.


Blue: Peace, we have been blessed with largely a peaceful existence in our country’s short written history. Economic stability has been our honour badge to wear to the rest of the world calmness and confidence are also part of our makeup. These four things are things that we have taken for granted and we need to remember that unless we take care they will be gone.

We are part of a great country that has been blessed by our almighty God and if we continue to keep our eyes on Him, He will continue to bless us. Advance Australia Fair.

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