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Favourite Food


My favourite food is definitely dark chocolate. If I believe some people who are supposed to know the facts and figures about such a product; it releases the sugar slowly; it is full of anti-oxidants and has positive benefits for my health. Of course there are others who will tell me that there is nothing good about chocolate; it’s bad for me, it will make me fat, and cause all sorts of health issues. It tastes wonderful and is supposed help lift my spirits if I am feeling down. So who am I supposed to believe?

In my own experience, it doesn’t do too much to my sugar levels. I know this because I have actually tested it. I find that it rarely makes me feel better when I am feeling down but I can pretend that it will and eat it anyway. As for anti-oxidants, I can’t see them and the effects that they may have on my body is a mystery to me. If we want to talk about why I am constantly putting on more weight and creating all those other health issues, well, I doubt if I put chocolate on trial, I’m fairly certain there would be enough reasonable doubt to not convict.

Chocolate still has that “special occasion” feel about it. It’s a food that we bring out on those occasions when we want to make someone feel adored or there is a special event happening on the calendar. We can even present chocolate to a person to say we are sorry for bad behaviour.

Some of this seems a little familiar on another level, I think. Don’t some people treat God and the church in a bit the same way? They only go to church at Easter, Christmas time, when some member of the family is getting married, baptized or buried. Sometimes they may even go to church when they are feeling bad about their behaviour in the hope that they will feel better.

I could tell you that God and chocolate have some things in common to me as well. Some people will tell me that He is bad for my life and that there is nothing out there after I die. But you know what! I find that some things are still a mystery to me and are likely to stay that way. I may not always feel wonderful about my life even with Jesus as part of it but I know that it is better off with Him in it because I have tried and tested His love for me.

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