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It had been one of those days that most of us have from time to time where at every turn something went wrong. I was spending a lot of time in tears or on the phone trying to find out what was going on and not making much progress on whatever front I was working on. Fortunately the sun was out and there was a stiff breeze blowing. This meant that I could use the energy from the sun to freshen up my


pillows and the wind was able to dry my washing. The washing machine didn’t spin the clothes out properly and it was hung out very wet. There was still the question of how I was to be energised.

The night before I had been reading about some of the great preachers in our history and discovered that many of them had suffered from depression just like me. Depression sucks the energy out of you and I was finding that this was certainly the case on this occasion. I remembered that David had also suffered in a similar way. So many of the Psalms start out with David feeling venerable and lonely but end with him praising the God and Lord of his life.

I beginning to understand that depression isn’t a sin, it’s an emotion! Like all emotions they can cause us to sin if we let them control us. Ephesians 4:26 tells us “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:” but these words can also apply to any emotion, happiness, joy, depression and grief. I had to realise was that I cannot solve a problem by looking at it. Hebrews 12:2a holds the answer “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;” and He gives me energy.

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