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When I was at school, we were given exercises such as two pictures that were almost the same and we had to find ten or so things that were different. I hated these things because I could never find them as fast as the other children. When I was in my thirties I found out why but that is another story. The thing is that I also inflicted these types of exercises on my children; they were a whole lot better at them than I was of course. Why were such challenges presented to us? I think they were supposed to help us observe and find the subtle differences in the pictures; training our brains to pick subtle differences; and maybe assist us to pick up on something that was slightly out of place, not quite right in real life. Successful, I really have no idea.


Yet we are warned in the bible to check all that we are told because it is so easy for others to twist what God says and make it mean something different. The first incident of this was when the serpent talked to Eve in the garden and as a result sin entered into our world. The problem has been here ever since. This is why John says in 1 John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” He understood how easy it is for people to be confused by what others say. So he is putting the responsibility back onto us to make sure that what we are being told is true and correct. The best way to do this is pray and read God’s word for ourselves every day. This will help us spot the differences.

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