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Still Life

The only way I like these two words together is in the phase “while there is still life there is hope”. These two words seem to be a bit wrong together. If we look at “Still” we can use so many other words such as: motionless, immobile, unmoving, tranquil, silent, quiet, stagnant and static which could to be related to lifelessness. If we then look at “life” we get lifetime lifespan lifecycle existence and being.

Facebook - Day 27   Still life
The only way I like these two words together is i

As I listened to the night sounds during a recent storm I was surprised that life outside had become very still. There were no birds singing, no chooks crowing and even the dogs were quiet. It had a very eerie feel about it which was quite uncomfortable.

Life is about moving. Some of us move forward, others move round and round in circles and still others will move backwards but we all move. Some of us slowly, others are fast movers and some people will move at a steady pace.

Some people will struggle while others will breeze through life. No matter how we get through life we will all end up having to give an account of how faithfully we have made our way through it. I pray that most of us will be able to say with Paul. “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” 2 Timothy 4:7

So back to where we started, while there is still life there is hope, what a great thought to hang on to when think things are always going wrong, and we don’t seem to be able to move forward. Of course when things look really bleak let’s look to the power of God and ask Him where we should be going because that is where our hope lies.

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