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Facebook - Day 6:   Remedy 
Where I can I like to use God’s natural remedies for

Where I can I like to use God’s natural remedies for my aliments. Sometimes this is just no possible; sometimes I have to depend on God’s inspired manmade remedies for my allergies.

We live in a very sick world. There are stresses and strains, illness and pain, death and destruction, sadness and depression around us all the time. Listening to the news is almost a battle of the will to not get depressed yourself. There is only one remedy for these ailments and that is coming to Christ for His forgiveness, strength and power.

As I thought about this I was picturing how many of us go to church on Sunday and leave our burdens at the door. We go in, enjoy fellowship and communion with God for one hour maybe more and then as we leave we pick up our burdens again. We struggle on for another week repeating the same exercise the next Sunday. The opening prayer of many services often starts with “Lord, help us to leave our worries and burdens aside and worship you.”

What we should be doing is walking through the open doors of our churches with our burdens on. When we start to worship Him we should ask Him to lift them from us. He says in Matthew 11:28 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”.

When we leave we should be leaving with Jesus not our burdens. Then as we work, play and struggle through our week we will have Jesus and the Spirit of God there beside us to help us. I know many people find this hard to do. Yes God has given knowledge and health to work things out for ourselves but He still wants to help us.

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