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After what!

Facebook - Day 16:   After
After what! 
My children love reading series of books

My children love reading series of books. They started this while they were school. They still read a new book and say “Oh I can’t wait for the next book in this series to come out”. I was thinking about how life is a circle. Good things come after bad things but then bad things will come after good things again. Then I thought about how each “bad or good time” can be seen as a chapter in our lives. One finishes and we move on to the next chapter. Some chapter are much longer than others I know but they do eventually end. This is where I realised that life is a “series” - our children will have their own stories as they move on into the future.

Yes, I can hear someone saying “but I don’t have children to create their own story”. Our stories are not just carried on by our children they can also be carried on by the people that we influence through our work, charity and recreation. History tells us of the many legacies that have been left by all those who have gone before us. They made our world a better place because of the work that they carried out as a work for God and with a love for mankind.

Yes, life is a circle of sorts but it moves in ever widening circles and will continue until the day that will surely come. That day is when Jesus returns and then we will start a new story that will go on forever and forever and there will be no more ‘afters’

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” Revelation 21:1

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