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On My Table


This morning there are some fruits of a labour that my husband put into a vegetable garden. This has been his first major effort. Most years there has not been the time to undertake such a project.

As I walked past the table I thought how nice would it be if we could see those other fruits of the labour that we put into our family, friends and strangers? The labours I am talking about are the prayers and those things that we do in the name of our God, Lord and Saviour.

You might say that we do see what our children are like but not all parents see the final outcome. It is hard to know what children are hiding deep down. There are many people though that we may meet casually and we be prompted to pray for. You know those people, the driver in front of you who is obviously in a big hurry and you know that if they don’t slow down an accident is a high probability. Have you ever stood at the sink and been prompted to pray for a friend but you never find out why or what the outcome was?

“But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” Matthew 6:6

No I might not know the results of what I do here and now but one day I will. I may also be surprised at the results. I could also find out that I should have been more vigilant. Only then will I find out what more I should have done on my knees instead of leaving things to do on my table.

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