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It’s cold this morning and I have lots of things to do! As I jump in the shower and feel the beauty of hot water on my skin I’m tempted to stay right there for a lot longer than I should, in fact I did. As I thought about beauty being skin deep, and in the eyes of the beholder I asked God to show me something different.

When we have finished our showers we feel, fresh, clean, revitalised and ready for work as well as a little warmer on such a cool morning.

But isn’t this exactly what happens when our sins are washed away by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. We feel fresh, clean, revitalised and ready for work and a lot warmer towards the people around us.

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:18-19

Unlike when I got out of the shower I could feel the cold air around me and I was soon rugging up into warm clothes to keep the cold out, Jesus’ love will continue to give us that warm feeling while ever we have our eyes on Him.

As we here in Australia approach winter we will be looking for many ways to keep warm but the beauty of God will in front of us all the time.

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