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An Ordinary Moment

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Most moments are ordinary. As each second ticks by, it is rare for something spectacular to happen. A minute is made up of 60 seconds or moments, an hour is sixty minutes and a day is made up of twenty four hours, a week, and seven days and so on. Yet in amongst those moments there will be some that will stand out as the beginning of something extra ordinary. A moment where something happened that begins a great journey into a new life, new career or new lifestyle. Often we will only recognise that special moment as we look back on the journey that we have been travelling for some time. We won’t be at the end of it but will have travelled far enough from the beginning to be able to see that moment as something special.

Of course there will be one moment in everyone’s life that will always mark the beginning of a new life, an eternal life. That moment will be when we leave our earthly bodies and exchange them for the eternal one. However, what we have done with all those ordinary moments on earth, no matter how many of them there are, will determine where we will spend that eternal life. “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” Mark 13:32

We will not know when this moment will be but it will come to all of us sooner or later. If it is not in the form of our death it will be in the form of Jesus returning to gather us up with Him.

So we all need to make the most of each ordinary moment that has been allocated to us.

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