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Being prepared is something that is not always easy to be. This is because we cannot see what the future holds for us and therefore what we need to meet the challenges in front of us is unknown until we are in the middle of the situation.

If it was up to us to be prepared we would be hopeless at anticipating our needs. What a wonderful thing it is that God knows what our future holds and what skills we will need to meet those jobs He has for us to do.

Some of those preparations will be a bit of a mystery to some of us. In my case, God sent me to get my teachers degree but it was used to a very limited level in the traditional sense, so I have often asked why I had to do it. The process taught me a lot about myself, some of the basic skills that I missed out on while I was younger and increased my confidence.

There will be times when God will expect us to jump in with what we have on hand, just as He did with Moses. He will do this so that others will see His power more clearly. (Exodus 4) We can even argue just like Moses did.

My teaching degree was part of my preparation to enable me to write my daily posts, Turning Water into Wine, More Water into Wine, as well as helping me put together the third one.

What God wants to do with all this material, well I’ll just have to be prepared to sit back and wait and see what He does, won’t I? “And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you today:..” Exodus 14:13a.

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