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There are so many “mobile chargers” in a drawer that we no longer need. The faster technology advances the faster the clutter accumulates. The challenge for me, the proverbial hoarder, is to let go and throw. It’s not even a matter of working out if they could be useful in the future. I don’t need them they are obsolete but I still hang on to them.

But isn’t that just like us. So much in our lives is not needed, obsolete and redundant but we hang on to them, sometimes for no other reason than we just don’t get around to throwing them away.

Sometimes we are allowed to struggle on in life with the extra weight. If we hang onto them for too long, though, we will be prompted by God to lighten our burdens. Once we hand them over to Him we can move forward with a spring in our step. In the Bible we read “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22 and “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7.

I have often heard people talk about doing a spring clean. This is a process where the house is cleaned inside out, room by room. All the furniture is moved, the floors, walls, windows and furniture are all scrubbed down, before everything is put back in its place. It’s not a cleaning process that I do in spring; I’d rather be out in the garden then. I do usually get around to doing something like this in the autumn. If I was a very good housekeeper I would be doing this sort of clean up on regular basis, just like we should do with our spiritual housekeeping routines.

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