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My Breakfast: I usually have a Banana, Walnuts, Yoghurt and cups of Tea. Breakfast is, as I was reminded recently, the most important meal of the day. There is a breakfast cereal advertisement on TV for Weetbix, which asks how you do your breakfast. As I was putting my meal together, I thought about our spiritual breakfast, how it might also be considered the most important spiritual meal of the day.

So I’m going to ask you “How do you do your Spiritual breakfast?” Does your Bible reading give you a boost of spiritual energy just like a banana? Do you write something down so it stays with you longer, like Walnuts? Do you yearn for God to show you some new thought or idea to increase your spiritual health? Do you drink cups of thankfulness to pick you up?

Maybe you only have time for toast, trusting God to walk with you, after you enjoyed fellowship with Him the night before? Maybe you eat prayerful porridge for breakfast or cheerful Cornflakes to see you through to morning tea. Do you eat your breakfast slowly, enjoying each mouthful or do you eat it on the run. Maybe you skip breakfast altogether?

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

While we do not need to be pedantic about what we do for our spiritual growth, we do need to stay close to Him in a way that suits our lifestyles, needs and circumstances. If I was to have what is considered a regular breakfast I would be sick for days and so it is with all Christians, we need to gain our spiritual food in a way that will bring us closer to God not drive us away.

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