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A black computer screen brings anger close to the surface at present. The screen is not black because I haven’t turned on the computer but usually because the computer has decided to turn itself off at some random moment usually when I am in the middle of typing a story. Because I haven’t had any warning it usually means that when things have been restarted, I have to try and remember what I have type before, and yes I’m getting old enough to make that a little difficult at times.

Yes, it is a silly thing to get angry over, I know. There are many things that are more important than a black screen that warrant my anger. Such things as; times when people are being treated badly, when corruption seems to win over honest dealings.

I will say that while this problem with my computer does make me angry, knowing that it will one day be fixed helps me to not behave badly. If I didn’t have this hope I’m willing to admit that I might find it more difficult to stay calm. “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:” Ephesians 4:26.

We see a lot of people acting out their anger these days. We may ask why people are so angry and why they need to take their anger out on others. My guess is that in many cases they do not see any way of fixing what it is that makes them angry.

That is the hope that we have as Christians. No matter what it is that makes us angry we know that one day God will fix it, on that day when Jesus returns. He will create a new perfect Heaven and earth and no one will be angry.

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