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Our dog has this disgusting habit of jumping up onto the roof of his kennel. Why do I consider this to be disgusting? It’s disgusting simply because each time he jumps up and down the chain rattles against the time and makes the most disgusting noise I have to put up with. Since the dogs are in the yard outside my bedroom window there is no escape for me. As a light sleeper there is no way I can sleep through such a noise. Last night was one of those nights, which are very rare thank goodness, when I just had nightmares all night. I even lost count of how many there were after the first three.

I remember that the first three were all the same: someone was playing bowls up and down the verandah outside my bedroom window and each time I went outside to find out who it was there was no one there. They seemed to trying to break into our home. After the third time, I woke up and stayed awake long enough to realise that what I was hearing in my dreams was the dogs’ chain rattling on the roof of his kennel as he jumped up and down, time and time again. I won’t even try and explain the rest of the nightmares here, they were just too disgusting.

What is my lesson here? Maybe, that is of course, that when I take my fears to God my Father. He will show me what they are made of; is it something solid or just a noise trying to distract me from the truth, whatever that might be: “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7. If I remember this, in the future nightmares will disappear.

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