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I had run out of sticky tape. I was in a hurry. I couldn’t remember where the new rolls were. So I start searching, one drawer at a time. As I pulled open one particular drawer and looked down and there sitting on top of my ink packs was a spider. Now, I’m not really afraid of these creatures, unlike one of my daughters, but I pulled back quickly enough.


A quick surface look revealed that the said “sticky tape” wasn’t to be found without things being moved around. No, I didn’t poke around and do a thorough search. Fortunately for me as I turned around a new roll almost jumped up and bit me. Why I hadn’t seen it lying there before is probably because I was in such a hurry.

At the time of writing I was checking out some things on Facebook and from some of the posts I could see what a powerful force fear was. You can see it as the motivation behind what people to do and say. It is also a force that will prevent people from doing what they may, should or would like to do.

Psalm 118:6 says: “The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?” Yes, they can do a lot to us, we see the evidence of that every night on the news and it could cause some of us to freak out. There have definitely been times when I have been frozen with fear myself and thankfully God has sent someone along to remind me of the truth.

“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28

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