Joy is the middle name of our eldest daughter. I was thinking about her this morning and as I went back in time, I remembered the joy she brought to our lives. The first smile, the joy of seeing her recognise the travelling basket, which told her that we were going somewhere, was amazing. When she clapped her hands for the first time, walked across the room, these were joyful moments.
It wasn’t long though before other memories started to surface. The memories of temper tantrums, fears we might lose her when she was ill and the stress of watching her lose her way. If I wasn’t careful the bad memories would outweigh the good ones.
It reminded me of Pharaoh’s dream in Genesis 41 where seven fat cows are eaten by seven poor cows but the poor cows didn’t get fat, they were still poor. The same happens with seven ears of corn. While the interpretation was to warn Pharaoh that Egypt was to experience seven years of famine after seven good years, I find that it has an application for me as well. As we go through life it is sometimes easier to hang on to the bad memories that are just part of living. If we do our lives will be like those cattle, always poor. I need to, and it does take hard work, hang on to and treasure the good memories in life and this way the bad will not outweigh the good in my life.
I love that verse where after the birth of Jesus, the Bible tells us “But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19. She set about remembering the good things, the amazing way God was working, so she would be able to recall them during the tough times.