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What I'm Doing Now

I’m sitting in my lovely sunny spot, thinking, writing and being very grateful. I am grateful that my family is safe after a close call yesterday. I’m writing to our local member asking him if there can be something done about that particular intersection so that another family doesn’t have to experience the loss of a loved one there. And… I’m thinking about how it almost always takes a close call for people to start taking action. I have known and hated that corner, yes; I hated it, for many years but I have avoided using that intersection rather than making my concerns known. But…. Now I nearly lost my granddaughter, and I could have lost my daughter and suddenly I want something done. I ask myself, if someone else’s family had been involved yesterday would I be so determined to be heard?


I look at the table beside me and see the mess it’s in and realise that I in particular and maybe all of us are too prone, even on a world scale, to cleaning up messes rather than not creating the mess in the first place. There are a few industries where creating is still going on but on most levels it seems that we think it’s been done or it’s someone else’s problem.

I have to wonder if there is some level of this thinking at church and spiritual levels as well - just a question, no answer yet.

The verse that comes to mind today is: “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” Romans 10:14. The question for me is: “Can I expect this corner to be fixed if I don’t speak up”.

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