Life is like the gift of Soup. When we make soup we throw in a variety of vegetables, meats and flavours mixed it all with lots of stock and cook. I thought about my life’s soup when I was praying for a friend this morning who is going through a very tough time at present. As I prayed for them I realised that they have been a very nice part of that soup in my life even though we have only known each other for a few years.
People who cross our paths leave a mark on our lives, some move on quickly; others stay around for a long, long time. Yes, all of them add flavour, some we don’t enjoy others we would like to keep adding forever. Yet God has other plans, He tells us not to be greedy, He asks us to share these wonderful people with other parts of the world and moves them on to work for Him elsewhere. Our family are the stock of the soup; they are the base that we live around but each day there will be people who God brings into our lives and they will only stay for a while. We will always remember their contribution though.
As I prayed for my friend this morning I am thankful for their part in my soup, their positive input and the fellowship that we have shared. As I was doing this, I also prayed that I might be like my friend, a good flavour to other peoples soup/lives. Please Lord; don’t let me be a contribution that others would rather not keep dealing with. 1 Peter 1:24-25 says: “For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: BUT THE WORD OF THE LORD ENDURES FOREVER." And this is the word which was preached to you.” People will come and go but what God has taught us through them will have a lasting effect.
Thank you Lord, for my friend, thank you for bringing her into my life and be with her today and in the months ahead as she walks with you through this very difficult time.