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Depth of Field


When I think about this heading I generally think about the depth of soil in my husband’s paddocks or field. If it’s not that it’s wondering how far down the moisture levels are, not the photography definition.

How far down the water has managed to soak is important to farmers. How deep the good soil is also very important. Both these things are pretty much out of our control. The good topsoil can be removed from the higher places by wind and rain and deposited on the lower valleys by the same elements.

Yes, we can help protect the paddocks by leaving or planting trees but we cannot undo the work already done in a hurry. It takes time, years in fact.

The same thing happens with people. It takes years for them to grow in maturity. We would not expect a one week old baby to talk let alone have knowledge that we have accumulated over our lifetime.

When people become Christians we need to be patient, understanding and tolerant because they are still young in spirit, if not years. They will need time to grow, learn and understand. Just as we cannot put old heads on young shoulders in the normal world so we cannot put old spiritual heads on young spiritual shoulders.

How much depth and maturity they will develop is also pretty much out of our hands because it is only God who waters and tends the fields of our spiritual lives. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. (1 Corinthians 3:7).

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