Me Today
When I talk about who I am today it always make me think about who I was in the past. I have been a daughter, a wife, a young mum, a working mum, a stand in mum, a housekeeper, teacher, volunteer, reader, gardener, a bookkeeper, a secretary and a gofor - that is probably not a real word but it was a real job. Above all these things I have been and still am today a child of God. He has used all the situations in my life, all the jobs that I have done and all the people that I have met to make me who I am.

So what am I today that is different from my past? I am all these things still as well as being a writer. I love writing, so here I am sitting in my favourite spot, writing and editing work on my computer. Some of it has been work that is developing over a period of weeks, some of it a month, those Minutes need to be checked before the next meeting on Wednesday and then there is today’s story. There may be even more stories written if I find some source of inspiration.
I always pray that someone will be encouraged by what I write, why, because during my past I have needed lots of encouragement to become the person I am today. It’s a case of wanting to thank those in my past by helping those in my present by passing it forward.
Romans 8:28 says: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” While I will not always manage to do what I intended, God is in control and He will work out His purpose.