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When I think about modern technology, which involves computer chips and buttons I also automatically think about a poem that I used to say as a kid. The one about – There was a little girl who had a curl that went right down the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was very very good and when she was bad she was horrid. When new technology works it works very very well but when it doesn’t it doesn’t seem to matter what I do it goes wrong.

I have to admit that I like old stuff, stuff that has few moving parts and can be pulled apart and put back together again. Things just seemed to be made better back then, I’m old fashioned.

When we moved into our current house we had a high tank. Now for those that don’t know what that is, it’s a tank perched up on a stand that is above the level of your roof. You fill it with water, yes, it has to be pumped up there as there is nowhere for it to receive run off water, and then gravity works and when you turn on the taps hey presto you have water.

Now if you have been watching me recently you will know that this wonderful high tank has sprung a leak, not a small one but a very large one and we have now had to move into a phase of having our water connected to an electric pump. The beauty of the high tank is that if there is a black out, no electricity you still have water. Whereas once the electric pump stops working so does the water flow! Can you imagine being half way through a shower when the power goes out and having to wait for three hours to finish it because there is no water, that’s a nightmare I have never liked?

However here’s the irony of the situation, I wouldn’t be able to write without modern technology, because I cannot spell for the life of me and I always said that God made me wait until someone invented spellcheck for me to start writing.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” comes to mind when I think about technology, old and new it all has it place but I would still like to be able to replace that high tank.

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