In order to have a shadow something must stand in front of a light source. If there is no light source then there can be no shadow. We see this on cloudy days; our whole world is a shadow because the clouds stand between us and the sun.
Sometimes our lives feel as if we are walking through a cloudy day, week or year. Things just seem to go on and on with very little contrast between the good things (sunshine) and the dull things (clouds). It’s not as if we cannot see where we are going, as would be the case if we were walking through a fog. We can see where we are going, we have purpose but there just seems to be this round of the same thing every day.
It’s a bit like the mother who let her child walk to school by themselves for the first time. She followed the child but far enough back so the child had no idea that their mother was there. The child is so excited about walking to school by themselves that they don’t even think to look around and see if their mother is following them. Had something gone wrong that mother would have been on top of the situation faster than speed of sound but once the child had arrived safely she was able to return home with the knowledge that her child is where they should be.
Now I’m saying that God is watching us from a distance, but sometimes I feel that He covers up in order to see just how much we can think for ourselves and how many times we go looking for Him during the dull days. He trusted Job, He trusts us, the question is are we as faithful as Job.