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M is for.....

More than we can eat tomatoes. This bush is growing so well and producing so well that even with the three of us here we are not able to keep up with the abundance of fruit. It is winter time and here in my father’s garden these tomatoes are still producing fruit which would just not happen at our place. The frosts would put paid to any garden producing where we are.

So many times we are reminded that life is just not the same for all of us. The different factors that we need to deal with, such as weather, culture, lifestyle and our backgrounds means that we will all produce a different crop for the Lord.

That is one of the hidden truths I found in the parable of the soils or sower (Matthew 13). It doesn’t matter where the seed falls it will do some good to someone even if it is not the person that it appears to be at the time.

While I have been forced to rest the last couple of days I have been able to do some extra reading, something I don’t do a lot of under normal circumstances. I have been reading old copies of Guideposts and again I am struck by the diversity of God, His love, care and the unique way that He talks to all His creation.

So M also stands for More love than we can handle.

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