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Again another internet search and we come up with “Orange relates to 'gut reaction' or our gut instincts, as opposed to the physical reaction of red or the mental reaction of yellow.”

It would seem appropriate that the fruit called Orange is a fruit high in vitamin C which is very good for healing our bodies or guts.

How much do you trust your gut reaction when you meet someone new? I know that my gut reaction to some people is based on very bad experiences in the past. For instance I have met some very charming people over the years only to find that they are the ones that will be responsible for telling lies and creating very bad drama in a situation. So my brain rather than my gut will tell me to be careful. Mind you I have also met some people that I have been very wary of to start with and found them to be honest and trustworthy.

In Matthew 10 we read about Jesus sending out His disciple into the world on their first evangelistic campaign and He warns them of the dangers they would face. He tells them that no everyone or everything will be as they appear and advises them to be careful “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” Verse16. We can be grateful that we have the power of the Holy Spirit to assist us when it comes to summing up people if only we ask first and listen hard.

Verse 26 of this chapter says: “So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.” We can trust God to assist us and that doesn’t have to be a gut feeling but can be based on centuries of seeing His work in a very sad and corrupt world.

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