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I is for Incarnation

The explanation that I remember being given for what this meant when I was a teenager is that of becoming an ant….

We have this very large ants nest on the road in front of our gateway. Every now and again the Council workers bring the graders out and grade the road. This is going to mean that the home of the ants is going to be damaged and there will be fatalities. Now if I was really concerned about the fate of the ants I would want to warn them of their impending doom. How would I do that? There is no way I can talk to the ants and tell them to move their nest. They do not understand human speech. I really wish I could. I don’t particularly like it being there. There is only one possible way I could tell the ants about their folly and that is to become an ANT, move into the nest and communicate to them in the same way that they communicate with each other.

Isn’t it great that God has so much more grace towards me than I have for those ants? He loved me enough to leave Heaven become a man, come to earth, lived with the people of Roman times, talked to them, showed all of how to live and then went to the cross to die for me so that I could be saved from my sins.

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14.

I don’t want to become an ant to save them but I’m glad Jesus became a man to save me.

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