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Be Confounded - Psalm 97:1-7

It’s raining, it’s pouring even. Now why would I be making such a statement after reading this passage? It all has to do with reading this passage during a time when people working in offices were telling the farmers that we were in for a very long dry spell through to the middle of the next year.

While discussing the weather, as farmers do, with someone one morning I made the comment that every time human beings get very confident in their abilities to the point of superiority, God seems to say, I’ll prove to you who is stronger. This has happened so many times throughout history. If we put too much reliance of our own abilities and knowledge we are in fact worshiping an idol.

If we look at the plagues of Egypt, they all proved that the God of the universe was greater than each of the god’s of Egypt. (Exodus 7-12)

Even in my own life, as a teenager I told God that I would never marry a farmer. Guess what my husband does!

Yes, it is raining! I wonder if those who have made idols out of their weather predications will be confounded!

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