God Sings – Psalm 95:1-7

On a recent trip to visit family we spent a couple of nights close to the ocean. As I laid down waiting for sleep to take over, I listened to the noises around me. Each new place has a different sound. One particular noise dominated the night and it took me awhile to register that the noise was actually the waves crashing on to the beach. Once I realised what it was, I listened with a different attitude and decided that it was God’s lullaby to help me get to sleep.
Of course during our visit we went for a walk along the beach, you cannot be that close to the beach and not do that no matter how much you might not be a fan of sand and salt water. On this particular stretch of beach there was a reef of rocks which I realised helped make the lullaby that I had been listening to during the nights there! What I saw was the power of God at work. The sea stretched as far as the eye could see and just had to know that only a God as big as the God of creation could do such an amazing thing.
And just think He did by saying eighteen words: “And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.” Genesis 1:9. Let’s sing in tune with God’s Song.