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Grey Spaces: 1 Corinthians 1:4-9

It was one of those days, when I was in that grey space that happens when you are recovering from a serious illness. It comes when you are well to see the things that need to be done but not well enough to actually get in and get the jobs done. I was feeling very overwhelmed particularly in relation to the amount of gardening that needed to be carried out.

All day I was talking to God asking Him for help to get these things done. I debated with all the issues involved. After all I use gardening to get sufficient exercise, for my sugar diabetes, but it does mess with my back nearly every time I get stuck into it. I had enjoyed almost three months of a pain free back. One the other side of this debate was the knowledge that the state of the garden really isn’t that important. It could be left until I was well enough I reasoned. These and other arguments went on and on all day as I tried to do a little bit of work and suffered pain as a result.

God waited patiently for me and then asked me about all the difficulties that I had been through during my life so far; didn’t they strengthen your faith, increase your knowledge and help you to be the strong person you are today? If you do the gardening yourself won’t it do the same for your physical health. Yes, I moaned but Lord….. His reply was just like the valley of the shadow of death in Psalm 23 this grey zone will not last forever, it has an end and there is a better view on the other side.

Paul was thankful for his fellow Christian brothers and sisters in Corinth and how they had grown, one day I’m sure I will be thankful for what I am going through now but I must admit that it’s a bit hard to see just now.

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