A Wonderful Teacher
I often think about and remember a wonderful old lady who used to be a member of our church. I remember her tenacity. At her funeral I had the privilege to speak of her generosity, honesty and frankness that we would all do well to imitate.
In our Women’s and Bible Study group you knew what she believed and want she wanted. Her generosity was something that will not be forgotten soon. We have missed her love of life. Her determination is something that I personally would like to be able to replica in my life.
I have a Cassia Tree that this lady gave me to replace one that had snapped off and I had intended to plant it in the same place where the other tree had been. I had sat it down beside the carport. It had put down roots through the bottom of the pot. There was no way it was going to be moved. As I drove home one day, thinking about this I realised that this lady was a bit like that tree, she did not allow small difficulties to get in her way. There were many times when she refused to allow me to make her a cup of tea because if she didn’t keep doing it herself she would lose the ability to do things all together.
How many times do I stop doing things just because it’s getting too hard? In 2 Corinthians 1:8 Paul tells of how he despaired about how tired he was at times and how he had to trust in God to carry on, I know that this wonderful lady would have been able to relate to Paul many times in her life, but she did carry on until the end. Will we follow her example and the example of others who have been so faithful to their Father in Heaven?