Another Lesson from my Woodbox
It's winter again, and the job of collecting wood for our heater is part of our routine once again. When filling the woodbox it is important to make sure that it contains not only large night logs but also smaller pieces. This is to ensure that the larger logs burn efficiently instead of just smoldering.
As I collected smaller logs one day, I thought about how our roles in life can be similar to the various logs in my woodbox.

Some of us, feel as if the jobs we have been given by God are small and insignificant. We might be right. We might be like those smaller logs that I put on my fire. Our job is to support those with the larger jobs in life. We are to provide air and support that enables them to burn very brightly and do the larger work of spreading the gospel to the world. Without our faithful service, these people would just smolder and their work would be so much harder.

When speaking to the crowd that wanted to complicate His ministry with rules and regulations we find: “Jesus told them, "This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent." John 6:29. It sound like such a small thing but do this faithfully and God’s work will burn with a force that the world will never be able to stop.

Prayer: Lord, may I be faithful in the small things so the larger things are made easier for those to whom you have given the greater responsibility.