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Once while I was visiting Sydney I found a small house stuck between two larger buildings. It looked as if it could easily be squashed. I am sure that it once was just another house in a long line of terrace houses. It reminds people of what used to be - a great line of beautiful homes, full of family life. Yes, it’s an old fashioned house standing proudly among modern buildings.

As we read our Bible and history we come across so many situations where there were just a few Christians left, telling others the truth about God and His grace and mercy. They are like that house small and squashed in the evil world around them.

Do you feel small and compressed in the world that we live in? This problem is not new, Paul had the same problem when he was alive.

“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” Galatians 4:16.

If you are feeling a little overwhelmed just because you hold to the truth, remember that God sees you, and loves you and wants you to live for Him not the world around you.

Prayer: Lord, thank you that you will protect me, no matter how small and insignificant I feel in this world.

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