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Under the Blankets of Darkness

On several mornings, during Winter, when we have had to get moving while it is still dark I’ve noticed that the temperature is much warmer than later as dawn breaks and before the sun rises. Once the sun comes up and spreads its warmth, we feel so much better and are able to relax and stop shivering.

It occurred to me recently that we are often more comfortable in the darkness of our lives. We are comfortable in our sinfulness. Until dawn makes us aware that there is something else available. A saviour who will fill our lives with light, love and eternal life. It’s that period, that really cold spell of realisation that makes us uncomfortable and sends us running into the arms of our loving Father and Saviour. Once Jesus becomes our Lord, we find our new sense of worth and are able to relax in Him. Yes, I know that it doesn’t happen overnight but it happens.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.

Are you still huddled under those blankets or are you standing up in the sunlight of Jesus’ love?

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