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Finding a Path

I was trying to find the footpath under the grass that had invaded it. As a chipped away, with my metal gardening tool, about where I imagined to be the edge to be, I would quite often hear the grating noise of metal on cement. I would cringe, it’s an awful noise.

After a while I saw it as an encouraging sound, why, because each time that crating racket assaulted my ears I knew that I was chipping away at the right place and that I was making progress. Bit by bit the path was being revealed again.

Just as the path leads the way to the chook yard or the clothes line, our lives are used by God to lead others to Him. There are times though when we get covered in the in other things of this world, work, family or stress and our leadership gets hidden. God, once again has to get out His trusty tools (our praying friends and His word) and chip away that rubbish. Yes, we hear that crating noise and it annoys us. Don’t ignore it though, don’t shrug it off.

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” 2 Timothy 3:16.

Next time you are told something that hurts a little or makes you stop and think, have a closer look! See if it isn’t God trying to clear your path again and improve your leadership.

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