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Encouraging Others

Encouragement can lift people higher than we will ever know. It comes in so many different forms. Once, when I didn’t ring my father for Father’s Day until nearly nine in the evening, he told that if I had forgotten, which I nearly did, it would have been the first time. I got off the phone determined that I would never forget again, even though I wasn’t aware that I hadn’t forgotten any of the important days in their lives.

We live in a world that dishes out discouragement far too often and in very high volumes. The consequences of this are that many people, unable to put such criticism aside, end up feeling despondent.

God has led me to write in such a way as to encourage people in small doses. No long stories where you must remember where the story line was up to, long enough to have with a cuppa and capable of giving the reader a boost of reassurance.

I am surprised at the way God has used my writing. Once a man read my story, ‘Balancing Act’ and God used it to help him change a light bulb. Yes, something as small as that. Another reader read

the story, ‘Standing Up’ which encouraged them to keep going through some very tough times.

Someone else had a good laugh over the story of a horse painted with whitewash and another loved the story about the Three Wells.

This sort of feedback tells me that there are many more people out there who could be help if only they were able to get a copy of my book.

You, my readers, know many people yourselves who need such encouragement.

There is a very simple way for you to help them get such benefits and it won’t mean that you must buy volumes of my books either.

Just recommend my book to your friends whom you know could use a boost up in times of need, if they ask their local library to get it in, they win.

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