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October Prayers for Drought Breaking Rain

During October, Christians in Australia are praying for God to send us drought breaking rain. Many parts of our country have been in drought from three to ten years now. Many towns are running out of water and some towns have to truck water in for their residents.

So, during the month of October, I will be joining the multitude of prayers by looking at the four aspects of prayer. There will be eight days of adoration, eight days of thanksgiving, 8 days of repentance and seven days of petition.

Day one: Lord, how great is your creation. You have blessed us with a wonderful place to live and we praise you.

Day two: Lord, how wonderful is the sky that you have spread across the whole world. Its blue is so restful for our eyes. Even when there are no clouds it is beautiful.

Day three: Lord, we admire your creation that blooms even in the dry times.

Day four: Lord, you have endowed people with many skills and they are often only found during the tough times in our lives.

Day five: Lord, how great it is to wake to the sounds of birds singing. There music makes us mindful of all the music that you have created.

Day Six: Lord your faithfulness is constantly before me.

Day seven: Lord the beauty of your creation tells of your majesty.

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